WaveReef was found in 2009 by a group of innovative young men with the great passion for marine aquarium hobby. It started by its innovative electronic water-level controller. For years, WaveReef has been devoted to the development and production of various marine aquarium equipements(like protein skimmer, aquarium acrylic sump,dosing pump, circuilating water pump , aquarium lighting system and so on and so foth).
Through years' development, WaveReef wins the great progress by its quality and innovative items. It creats the different sub-brand to cover the different market niche so as to better service the hobbyists' special demand. For example, Wavereef is the main brand for marine hobbyists. MarinPro is for the public aquarium and marine cultivation, PondWave for pond hobbyists. Based on continuous innovation and learning, WaveReef is preparing to meet various challenges and changes ahead. With prompt service, striving to be the international top brand is the ultimate target they are seeking for. WaveReef looks forward to building and maintaining the long-term business relationship with any friends around the world and treasures any co-operating chance and support granted.
"Building Healthy Aquaria" is the core value WaveReef is focusing on all the time